barks and bites

barks and bites

I'm also trying to pack lunches for when I go into the office. And what better way to enjoy lunch than making it super cute?!

Above is rice in the shape of an otter. It's in a sea of onion ginger sauce from the shogayaki pork. There's also a hardboiled egg and some yu choy with oyster sauce. This was actually a lunch for the boyfriend but I'm counting it anyway because it's just so cute.


Every year, I try to be more responsible about cooking dinner (as opposed to ordering takeout). So maybe if I post about it on my blog, I'll both keep up with blogging and cooking dinner!

So here's some recent dinners I've cooked:


On March 5th, I went to a wagashi making class! It was at a local cooking studio, and I’d been wanting to do it for a while! In fact, I had talked to some of my friends about the wagashi class from this cooking studio back in March 2020, but y’know… some stuff happened in March 2020. But at any rate, it was nice to actually get to attend and learn!

The two wagashi that we learned to make in this 5h class were a nerikiri maple leaf and a kinton Christmas tree. Very seasonally appropriate, haha.


Finally got around to editing and uploading my photos from a couple weekends ago! It's all dog photos, unsurprisingly. This was such a weird weekend – we managed to drive up to the farm house! Normally in February, there's way too much snow. And then it was so warm that we could even turn the water on, and it got even warmer and a bunch of the remaining snow melted.

Of course, I'm typing this now when we've been hit by two snow storms in as many weeks, so y'know. Canadian weather.

Anyway, link to the photo gallery is here! Also, I can’t wait until I can make blog posts straight from galleries. I should potentially explore making a blog-friendly photo display thing in Markdown too… but that’d be for the code blog, haha.


I developed my own sandwich loaf recipe a while ago… now that I have an actual blog set up, I guess I should maybe post it?

Plus I bought these super adorable pans!! Who wouldn’t love bunny and bear head shaped bread?! My recipe conveniently makes one Pullman loaf or two animal head loaves, too.


It’s been so many years since I’ve blogged regularly… perhaps back in the LiveJournal days? But with Twitter going the way it is, and my lack of enthusiasm around going back to the Instagram grind, I thought it’d be the right time to get back into blogging. Or we could call it public journalling, too.

It also seems like the rich text editor will let me upload photos to directly from my phone! Although I’m not out and about as much anymore, most of my photos are from my phone, so it’s more convenient that way. Although I would like to get back into bringing my real camera out! How can I have a dog and food blog without pretty pictures of both the dog and the food?!


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